Wednesday 29 January 2014

Digital Literacy & Me

  By: Mandeep Jawanda

Hello Everyone,
Creating a podcast was something I had never done before; I have gained a greater appreciation for those who do it on a regular basis. The biggest obstacle/ hurdle that I faced in creating my podcasts was limiting my information and articulating it in a creative fashion. There were also times in my podcast were I forget to mention something important, even with written notes.
The overall experience of creating a podcast was very good, and I am confident that I will use it again in the future, either for another assignment or in my professional career. It is another tool that I did not use prior to enrolling in this class much like Pinterest, but once you start and figure-out the basics, it is not so bad, and was actually a great experience.
I created three podcasts in total, I may have confused the three minute limit of the podcast in the grading rubric to mean we need to create three different podcast files, anyways I hope everyone enjoys them regardless. I have also included the PowerPoint presentation in the link below, as I mentioned in my podcast. If there are any questions or concerns please let me know, thank you.

Additional Material:

YouTube Microsoft Video:
PowerPoint Presentation Available Through SkyDrive (Please Click Here)
Podcast Picture 1:
Podcast Picture 2:
Podcast Picture 3:


  1. Excellent presentation Mandeep - great narrative - and the PPT presentation was a great accompanying doc to your audio presentation. Great choice for video too!

  2. Hi Mandeep,
    Awesome presentation - your audios and PPT are well done. The video is great!

  3. Thank you for the feedback everyone.
