Thursday 30 January 2014

Digital literacy & me - Andrea Soler

Creating this podcast (and video) was such a fun learning experience. Thinking and writing about my digital literacy and my online presence was one thing, but the actually trans-literacy needed to be able to put it together was quite a challenge. It tested my trans-literacy resourcefulness; it pushed me to learn new tools and to communicate in different media.

From a creative perspective I found the assignment very stimulating, as I had to think in so many ways: the written word, the spoken word, music, visual images, timing and most importantly a conceptual thread. Similar to other creative experiences I learned that it is all about the process.

Further to my comments and reflections about digital literacy mentioned in the podcast, I learned that as we use different social media tools we developed a voice. A podcast is no different, especially when you have a thick Latin accent like me. It was certainly a struggle to remain natural and at the same time enunciate and be clear. By the end I decided to accept the fact that when it comes to communication, my voice has an accent.


  1. Great job Andrea - I loved the music and loved seeing your art work too! Very interesting narrative - amazing job putting all of the images togther in the video

  2. Hi Andrea - I think this is a lovely podcast.
    Your narrative was interesting; the visuals and music flowed beautifully.
    Very artistic! Great job.
